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venerdì, Febbraio 7, 2025

Italy with Un Women in Kenya against gender based violence in elections

NAIROBI, JULY 2 – The Ambassador of Italy to Kenya Alberto Pieri and the UN Women Acting Country Director Mrs. Cecile Mukarubuga signed an agreement for the Italian contribution to the Let It Not Happen Again – Addressing prevention and accountability on Violence Against Women in Elections (VAWiE) project. The signing ceremony was hosted last week at the Italian Ambassador’s Residence and was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Public Service, Youth and Gender Affairs, UN Women and OHCHR, Civil Society Organizations and representatives of the Survivors of sexual Violence organizations.

The initiative is part of the ongoing Joint Program on Gender Based Violence between the Government of Kenya and the United Nations. The Italian Agency for Development Cooperation contributes with 300.000 Euros to support specific activities aimed at strengthening the response and accountability mechanisms against Gender Based Violence with the goal to increase preparedness for future elections. Activities will be implemented by UN Women and OHCHR in close collaboration with associations of rights holders and with duty bearers (police, judiciary, and health services) in four Counties (Nairobi, Kisumu, Bungoma and Migori), and will promote peer-learning process and good practices in Kenya.

At the occasion of the signing ceremony, Ambassador Pieri, commending the fruitful and longstanding partnerships with the United Nations system, emphasized Italy’s strong commitment towards gender equality championing against Gender Based Violence at global level and particularly in Africa. A commitment to equality that requires transformative action, to improve social norms as result of actions taken at local, national and international level. To this end Civil Society organizations play a crucial role in raising awareness and providing protection.

In thanking the Italian Embassy to Kenya and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation for the commitment to ending violence against women and girls in Kenya, Mrs. Mukarubuga noted that “Let it Not Happen again” is a reminder to each and every one of us of our individual and collective responsibility to protect women and girls against violence before, during and after elections. This through a multi sectoral approach that will contribute to addressing the present situation and allow women and girls to exercise their rights as equal citizens. (@OnuItalia)

Il giornale Italiano delle Nazioni Unite. Ha due redazioni, una a New York, l’altra a Roma.

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