8.9 C
New York
martedì, Febbraio 18, 2025

UN Sahel coordinator meets Massari; Italy committed to partnerships, diplomatic solutions

NEW YORK, SEPTEMBER 15 – “Transformation and value retention in development efforts resulting in job creation are panaceas for tackling the root causes of issues such as migration”, said the UN Special Coordinator for Sahel, Mar Dieye, during his meeting with Ambassador Maurizio Massari.

Italy is committed to boosting partnerships and cooperation with African counterparts within and outside the UN, said Massari: “Diplomatic solutions with African States at the forefront are the only answer”. Italy’s action, within the framework of the United Nations Integrated Strategy for the Sahel (UNISS) includes several activities, among which: tackling terrorism, providing humanitarian aid, supporting local development, and cooperating on migratory issues. These actions are also part of the broader Italian strategy on Africa and the Mattei Plan, currently being drafted, and promote cooperation and partnership in the region by deploying public and private resources.

Recently, talking to Italian media on the relentless migrants flow, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Antonio Tajani, who will be in New York next week for the 78th General Assembly announced a major international conference to launch a full-scale stabilization process in the Sahel involving the United Nations and the G20: “Unless we take the bull by the horns, there is no way out. Not even Europe is enough to tackle such a massive issue, which concerns not only almost the whole of Africa but also the influx from the Balkan route”.(@OnuItalia)

Il giornale Italiano delle Nazioni Unite. Ha due redazioni, una a New York, l’altra a Roma.

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