8.9 C
New York
sabato, Settembre 7, 2024

UNIFIL Sector West HQ hosts exhibition of Lebanese handicrafts and cuisine

SHAMAA, JANUARY 7 – In days of high tension in the region, UNIFIL Sector West Headquarters in Shamaa, South Lebanon, today organized an exhibition of handicrafts and Lebanese cuisine with the aim to promote women-run local businesses in the UN Mission’s area of operation.

Around 13 women cooperatives and local associations from UNIFIL Sector West’s area of responsibility showcased their handmade products such as jams, pickles, spices, Lebanese bread, handicrafts, and artworks.

UNIFIL Sector West Headquarters organized the exhibition in collaboration with the Mission’s Civil Affairs office.

Hundreds of UN peacekeepers – both military and civilians – visited the exhibition, where they were introduced to the southern Lebanese culture and cuisine. The visitors – which also included Director of Mission Support Melva Crouch, Chief of Civil Affairs Albagir Adam and Sector West Commander Brigadier General Diego Filippo Fulco – supported the women entrepreneurs by appreciating their handmade work and purchasing their products.

On their part, the women exhibitors expressed appreciation to UNIFIL for having an open door for their organizations and products. UNIFIL has been organizing these kinds of exhibitions since 2009 so as to promote cultural experiences as well as to support the livelihoods of women-led rural cooperatives and associations. (@OnuItalia)

Il giornale Italiano delle Nazioni Unite. Ha due redazioni, una a New York, l’altra a Roma.

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