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New York
venerdì, Marzo 14, 2025

How to fight corruption through education: Mayor Bonajuto brings to the U.N. in Geneva the model of Ercolano

GENEVA, NOVEMBER 15 – How to fight corruption through human rights and education. Ercolano’s mayor, Ciro Buonajuto, brought to a side event on “Mayors, Human Rights and the UN” co-organized by the Permanent Missions of Italy and Morocco the experience of his city as a beacon of democracy and an administration on the frontline in the contrast of organized crime.

Diritti umani: sindaco Bonajuto porta all'Onu di Ginevra il 'modello Ercolano'The Italian Ambassador to the U.N., Gian Lorenzo Cornado, opened the meeting, organized to enable municipal and regional governments to participate in the ongoing Universal Periodic Review under the auspices of the Human Rights Council.

After a ‘road show’ in the United States in June following an invitation by the Biden Administration, Mayor Bonajuto brought to Geneva the experience of his city: in favor of democracy and against corruption. “I am honored to be able to represent Italy and Ercolano at this session of the Universal Periodic Review organized by the UN Human Rights Council. I consider it a prestigious recognition that confirms that we are on the right path. That to ensure freedom and security we must continue to invest in culture, because education is the most powerful weapon we have at our disposal to improve the quality of life in our territories,” he said ahead of the meeting in Geneva. (@OnuItalia)

Il giornale Italiano delle Nazioni Unite. Ha due redazioni, una a New York, l’altra a Roma.

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