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New York
lunedì, Febbraio 17, 2025

Ukraine: Tajani, “UN should defend the ruled-based international order”

NEW YORK, FEBRUARY 22 – “We are called today to defend the rules-based international order. In this Parliament of the World where all states are represented as equals, we have an opportunity, and a moral duty, to show that we can work together to achieve this goal,” the Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said in his message, the first among representatives of European countries, to the General Assembly’s emergency meeting on Ukraine.

Guterres calls for “a step back from the abyss”

It was highly emotional session, a year after the invasion, in which Secretary General, Antonio Guterres appealed to the parties to “step back from the abyss,” while Kiev’s Foreign Minister, Dmytro Kuleva, taking the floor before the ambassadors of Belarus, Russia and Josep Borrell, the EU High Representative for Foreign Policy, accused Moscow of “genocide”. The General Assembly eleventh emergency special session resumed with the introduction of a new draft resolution and two Belarus proposed amendments, and is expected to last into Thursday or Friday.

Ucraina Assemblea GeneraleIt was Tajani’s turn to bring the voice of Italy, to state that “with pride, we co-sponsored the resolution on Ukraine”. Immediately before speaking from the Assembly podium, he had a warm exchange with Kuleva to rehiterate Italy’s support to the cause of peace. Italy is among the 75 co-sponsors of the draft which will be put to  vote at the end of the Assembly debate. The resolution calls for an immediate ceasefire, demands that Russia leaves Ukraine, and emphasizes the need for accountability for serious crimes and justice for all victims.

UN Brindisi base highlighted in talks with Guterres

After the speech, the Italian minister met with Secretary General Guterres: in addition to Ukraine, they talked about Africa, Lebanon where the Italian military is on the front lines with UNIFIL, and Iran. On the second anniversary of the killing of Italian Ambassador to Congo, Luca Attanasio, with his escort, Vittorio Iacovacci, and the World Food Program driver, Mustapha Milambo, Tajani called for favoring the work of the prosecutors in the investigations. “We also talked a lot about the UN Base in Brindisi,” the minister said, reporting on the importance Guterres gives to the facility which gives wide support to UN’s humanitarian activities.

No country safe if violation of rules goes unpunished

In his message to the UN, Tajani reiterated that “Italy’s position has always been very clear” that the Russian aggression is a “violation of the UN Charter against international security and stability.” He noted that “no country can feel safe if the violation of our common principles and rules goes unpunished”. The whole world “is facing the consequences of this brutal conflict in terms of food security, energy, nuclear safety, and the protection of the environment.”

There is no peace without justice

According to Italy, there can’t be peace without justice, and justice means full respect for Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity: “Today more than ever we need to resort to diplomacy to take into account the legitimate concerns and expectations of the Countries of the Global South on which the consequences of the conflict weigh heavily. We need to redouble our collective support for diplomacy to achieve this goal,” the minister said.

Biden-Meloni relay in Kiev demonstrates Western unity

Following Tajani, the fifth on the list of speakers, U.S. Permanent Representative Linda Thomas Greenfield took the floor. The relay in Kiev between Joe Biden and Giorgia Meloni “has great significance,” Tajani told yesterday to the Italian daily La Stampa: “It shows the unity of the West and NATO in the defense of Ukraine’s independence.” Interviewed as he left for New York to attend UN meetings on the first anniversary of the war, the minister noted that “the best way to achieve peace is to support the Ukrainians so that they can sit at the negotiating table on equal terms.” (@OnuItalia)

Il giornale Italiano delle Nazioni Unite. Ha due redazioni, una a New York, l’altra a Roma.

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