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New York
giovedì, Marzo 13, 2025

ICC: Massari, “a crucial tool to long lasting conflict solutions”

NEW YORK, NOVEMBER 10 – In the twelve months between August 1 2020 and July 31 2021, more that 11,000 victims participated in cases before the Court, with 2,300 new victim application forms, the Italian Permanent Representative to the United Nation, Maurizio Massari, reported today in his address to a meeting of the General Assembly convened to discuss the Court’s annual report.

Italy has been a staunch supporter of the International Criminal Court since its very creation, with special regard to its principles and values that are enshrined in the Rome Statute, including the principle of complementarity. The ratification by the Italian Parliament on November 4 this year of the Kampala amendments on the crime of aggression and war crimes bears witness to the unwavering commitment of Italy’s institutions to the quest for justice and accountability which is enshrined in the Rome Statute, said Massari.

Italy believes that the most effective and structural answer to the many challenges and conflicts the international community is facing today lies in a reformed and enhanced multilateralism. Only a rules-based international system, centred on universal values, fundamental rights, equality and inclusiveness will be conducive to long-lasting solutions for those conflicts. The International Criminal Court represents a crucial tool to achieve these goals, said the Italian Ambassador: “The ICC is a Court of last resort whose jurisdiction can be activated only when the gravest crimes are not prosecuted by States and steps in with the sole purpose of pursuing justice, which is key to achieve lasting peace and international security”.

Italy also believe that the ICC is a pillar of the international rules-based order and plays a key role in the fight against impunity, in holding perpetrators of those crimes accountable and providing justice for victims. The focus on victims is an essential element of international criminal justice. Italy considers that the role of the Court consists not only in bringing perpetrators to justice but also in delivering justice to those primarily affected by crimes committed. For these reasons, also this year, Italy has decided to contribute to the Trust Fund for Victims at the International Criminal Court.

To read Ambassador Massari speech in full click here. (@OnuItalia)

Il giornale Italiano delle Nazioni Unite. Ha due redazioni, una a New York, l’altra a Roma.

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