8.9 C
New York
sabato, Settembre 7, 2024

Gen. Bernardini (Carabinieri) in New York to foster Italy’s commitment in UN peacekeeping

NEW YORK, OCTOBER 26 – General Enzo Bernardini, Deputy Commander of the Carabinieri Corps, is on a mission to New York to discuss with UN counterparts Italy’s qualified contribution to peacekeeping missions.

In New York, General Bernardini met the head of UNPOL, Luis Carrillho, with whom he discussed ways to strengthen the already close collaboration with the police division of the Department of Peacekeeping. He was also received by Ambassador Maurizio Massari, the Italian Permanent Representative to the UN and the General of Carabinieri, Fabrizio Parrulli, who was recently appointed military attaché of the Italian mission.

Born in 1958, General Bernardini started his military career in 1974 and last March was appointed deputy commander of the Corps. He is passionate about history, in particular the Second World War and the Resistance and War of Liberation, and has written with Emanuele Stolfi the book “Rome under the Nazi Yoke” (Rubettino). He is also a co-author of “Ethics of the Carabiniere” (2017).

He holds a degree in Law and in Sciences of Internal and External Security after studying at the Military Academies of Nunziatella and Modena. He has received numerous honors, including those of Commendatore dell’Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana and Knight of the Legion of Honor of the French Republic. (@OnuItalia)

Il giornale Italiano delle Nazioni Unite. Ha due redazioni, una a New York, l’altra a Roma.

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