8.9 C
New York
venerdì, Marzo 14, 2025

COVID-19: Cornado, “pandemic a test for our societies, with greater impact on most vulnerables”

GENEVA, JULY 1 – COVID-19 represented and it is still representing a test for our societies, their organizations and their resilience to unexpected shocks. The global pandemic had a greater and specific impact on the most vulnerable persons. Italy took the floor today during an interactive debate with the High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet to confirm its full engagement for an enhanced protection and promotion of the human rights of women and girls.

“The issues of discrimination and violence against women and girls, including the scourge of female genital mutilation, will be at the attention of the Council during this session: this is why we seize this occasion to confirm our full engagement for an enhanced protection and promotion of the human rights of women and girls”, the Italian Permanent Representative to the International Organizations in Geneva, Gian Lorenzo Cornado said.

Ms. Bachelet, presenting an oral update on the human rights implications of COVID-19, noted that human rights concerns related to COVID-19 continued to gather pace, as it became clear that the epidemic threatened both peace and development. Disaggregated data indicated that members of racial and ethnic minorities and indigenous peoples, particularly people of African descent, were both more likely to die of COVID-19 and were hit hardest by its socio-economic consequences that also disproportionately affected children, women and girls, older people and persons with disabilities.

Cornado also highlighted the need to strongly pursue a human rights based-approach both while countering the pandemic and in the recovery phases. “Italy has been one of the countries experiencing the most severe impact of the pandemic. We have been at the forefront in the most acute phase and we remain deeply committed in cooperating also within the multilateral framework to find viable and effective solutions to put an end to such a crisis”. 

To read the speech of Ambassador Cornado in full, click here.(@OnuItalia)

Il giornale Italiano delle Nazioni Unite. Ha due redazioni, una a New York, l’altra a Roma.

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