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giovedì, Febbraio 6, 2025

Fao and Future Food Institute promote boot-camps to form “Climate Shapers”; three stops in Italy

NEW YORK, DECEMBER 13 – The climate crisis is the most urgent emergency humanity is facing and food is one of the key universal elements to have an impact on this crisis. In this scenario, to address and mitigate the climate crisis through the regeneration of agri-food systems, FAO (United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization) and Future Food Institute promote the second edition of international training bootcamps to train a new class of “Climate Shapers”, key figures in the circular and sustainable food chain. Because the way we produce food, transform it, market it and consume it, has an impact on and it is impacted on by climate change.

The bootcamps will take place in New York (USA), Tokyo (Japan), Iceland, Sao Paulo (Brazil), Brussels (EU), Hawaii and Dubai (UAE) and will have 3 Italian stops in Marettimo (Sicily), Rome and Bologna. These are 10 intensive learning experiences through knowledge and experience in the field, on the themes of regeneration of the planet through food.

“The Joint Program created with FAO gave life to an international, inter-generational experience – said Sara Roversi, founder of Future Food Institute – involving young people, scientists, innovators, companies, farmers, chefs and policy experts. These people are creating the new skills needed today to face the challenges of our time by designing productive circular systems that are capable of regenerating the ecosystem that welcomes us”.

The trainings address four themes, three of which are dedicated to the regeneration of places that more than others are enduring the effects of the climate crisis and which need innovative solutions to rethink the relationship between man and the environment: “Climate Smart Cities“, “Climate Smart Farms” and “Climate Smart Oceans“. One theme will instead focus on the kitchen as a strategic place from which change can start: “Climate Smart Kitchen“.

“This partnership is the opportunity to develop joint academic programmes in the areas of Nutrition, Sustainable Food Systems, sustainable management of natural resources, Climate Smart Agriculture and many other areas of common interest, while contributing to Sustainable Development Goals 2030 Agenda. – stated Cristina Petracchi, Head of FAO e-learning Center – The alliance with such an inspirational network as FFI, will upscale FAO’s capacity development efforts, foster innovation and generate change makers, climate shapers and future leaders empowered to sustainably revolutionize the food ecosystem, in full respect of humanity and our planet”.

During the training, participants will have the opportunity to meet expert innovators, a source of great inspiration for new agri-food models that are sustainable and provide healthy and wholesome nutrition also thanks to the latest technologies, and as well as to live an extraordinary experience aimed at unlocking their potential and transforming inspiration into action.

The program also includes visits to best practices, startup, spin-offs and innovative projects applied to all stages of the food chain. Last but not least, there will be interactive workshops and integration of the class of participants with local communities, using a design and prosperity thinking approach, so that the Climate Shapers can give life to their own projects and climate actions. The distance learning courses dealing with nutrition and sustainable food systems, climate smart agriculture, sustainable water and soil management, accessible from the FAO elearning Center elearning.fao.org, will be integrated into the bootcamp program with the aim to transfer specific competences to generate informed and competent citizens and professionals, able to respond to the challenges mentioned above. (@OnuItalia)

Il giornale Italiano delle Nazioni Unite. Ha due redazioni, una a New York, l’altra a Roma.

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