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sabato, Marzo 15, 2025

ILO Open Day to mark its centenary, 100 years for social justice

GENEVA, 14 OCTOBER – To mark its centenary, the International Labour Office (ILO), the first specialized agency of the United Nations, will open its doors to the public for the first time in 100 years on Tuesday, 15 October in Geneva. For one working day, the ILO invites, in collaboration with the Fondation pour Genève, to discover its 100 years of action on the ground but also to dialogue together on the future of the world of work.
Geneva, host city of international institutions, will in turn be welcomed at the first ILO open day during which you will be able to access the headquarters of the oldest specialized agency of the UN.

Through various fun and interactive activities, visitors will be able to discover the past, present and future of the world of work – from the founding of the ILO in 1919 to major historical events, Conventions and programmes that shape everyone’s lives.
Today, work is increasingly digital, and the Open Day will include encounters with a robot, an experience of virtual reality and an invitation to share your own vision of the future of work.


08:00 – 15:00 Guided tours and presentation of activities for Geneva schools, in collaboration with the Eduki Foundation and Espace Entreprise
15:00 – 18:30 Open to the general public
18:30 – 19:30 High-level panel on theme “How to reconcile full employment and decent work with sustainable development?” with ILO Director-General Guy Ryder and Geneva public figures

Panelists at the conference:
Moderated by: Ms Romaine Jean
Mr Mauro Poggia, Conseiller d’Etat en charge du département de la sécurité, de l’emploi et de la santé
Mr Olivier Sandoz, Directeur général adjoint de la FER Genève
Mr Umberto Bandiera, Secrétaire Syndical UNIA Genève, chef affaires internationales
Ms Sophie Swaton, chargée de cours à l’Université de Lausanne, Directrice de l’institut de géographie et durabilité

Maria Novella Topi
Maria Novella Topihttps://onuitalia.com
Maria Novella Topi è stata a lungo capo servizio della Redazione Esteri dell'Ansa. Tra le sue missioni l'Albania (di cui ha seguito per l'agenzia la caduta del comunismo e le successive rivolte), l'Iraq e la Libia. Ha lavorato per lunghi periodi nell'ufficio di corrispondenza di Parigi. Collabora da Roma a OnuItalia.

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