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domenica, Marzo 9, 2025

UNGA 78: Italy chairs the general debate of the Second Committee on economic and social affairs

NEW YORK, OCTOBER 2 – Italy chaired today the General Debate of the Second 
Committee of the 78th UN General Assembly, focusing on economic, financial, climate, environmental, operational and sustainable development affairs. Member States and the Bureau are keen to engage in negotiations and enhance cooperation to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals, said the Italian diplomat Diego Cimino.

The Bureau of the Second Committee is composed by its President, Carlos Amorin (Uruguay), vice-chairs Jeswuni Abudu-Birresborn (Ghana), Cimino of Italy and Nichamon May Hsieh (Thailand) with Ivaylo Gatev (Bulgaria) in the function of Rapporteur.

The Committee is convening under the theme “Building a Sustainable Recovery for all. During this session, the Committee will deal with issues relating to economic growth and development such as macroeconomic policy questions; financing for development; sustainable development; globalization and interdependence; eradication of poverty; operational activities for development; agriculture development, food security and nutrition; and information and communications technologies for development. At the seventy-seventh session, the Second Committee took action on 41 draft proposals. It is expected that the Committee will consider around the same number of proposals during this year’s session.

The Second Committee will also consider issues relating to groups of countries in special situations, as well as the item on permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources. (@OnuItalia)

Il giornale Italiano delle Nazioni Unite. Ha due redazioni, una a New York, l’altra a Roma.

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