8.9 C
New York
sabato, Settembre 7, 2024

Italian Mission hosts consultation among CoESPU, UN and Defence staff.

NEW YORK, DECEMBER 12 – On December 9, the Permanent Mission of Italy to the United Nations hosted one of the periodic consultations among the United Nations, Italian Defence staff, represented by the Defence Attaché and Military Adviser of the Italian Permanent Mission to the UN, Carabinieri MG Fabrizio Parrulli, and CoESPU, in the persons of the Deputy Director, COL US Army William Daniel, and the Head of Studies and Research Department, COL Nicola Bianchi.

The Deputy Permanent Representative of Italy to the United Nations, Ambassador Gianluca Greco, opened the proceedings.

The Center of Excellence for Stability Police Units (CoESPU), established in Vicenza (Italy) as a Carabinieri center opened to international contributions, is a center for advanced studies and a doctrinal hub, serving as a think tank and a training center. It was set up by Carabinieri in March 2005 as part of an agreement between the Italian Government and the G-8 Nations.

The Center sensitive task is not only to train Peacekeepers – and to prepare them through the Carabinieri-like approach – but also to analyze and develop stability policing doctrine within the UN framework, as well as of other International Organizations. (@OnuItalia)

Il giornale Italiano delle Nazioni Unite. Ha due redazioni, una a New York, l’altra a Roma.

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