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New York
giovedì, Febbraio 6, 2025

UNGA adopts resolution on food insecurity; Italy among pen-holders and co-sponsors

NEW YORK, MAY 23 – The UN General Assembly joined forces today to adopt a resolution on food security only days after the dramatic Global Call of Action launched by the US Secretary General Antony Blinken in a meeting attended by the Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio.

The resolution, advanced by the Mission of Lebanon, was adopted by consensus. Italy was among the pen-holders and the co-sponsors of the draft along with all all 27 EU members.

In his address to the Global Call, Di Maio focused on what is happening in Ukraine and the consequent wheat world war” that “has to be stopped as soon as possible”. “The price of wheat keeps on increasing because of the Russian invasion, and it may reach 20% within the end of the year, causing a loss of families’ purchase power, Italian families included. Here at the UN, an intensified action begins today, in order to allow the delivery of food supplies to the countries in the worst conditions so that we can prevent instability risks, economic implosion and internal disorders”, which in turn can lead to an increase in migratory flows, in particular to Europe.

“Food Security, with a specific focus on the most vulnerable countries, remains a top priority for the European Union and its Member States”, said the Union on the adoption of the resolution today.

Climate change, environmental degradation, the Covid-19 pandemic, conflict situations: all are playing their part in driving hunger, inflation and poverty. “However – said the EU – it is Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, one of the major breadbaskets of the world, especially for the Global South, which has disrupted global food chains and blocked the export of food from Ukraine towards the rest of the world. This is a fact”. The EU called upon Member States “not to become victims of Russia’s cynical use of information manipulation, including disinformation. Russia’s unjustified and unprovoked, illegal war on Ukraine has caused these devastating effects”. (@OnuItalia)

Il giornale Italiano delle Nazioni Unite. Ha due redazioni, una a New York, l’altra a Roma.

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