8.9 C
New York
giovedì, Marzo 13, 2025

Human Rights Council: Italy, “multilateralism is key to build a world at peace”

GENEVA, JUNE 22 – In the context of the current session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, Italy took part in the Interactive Dialogue on the Annual report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet. Recalling the celebrations on June 2nd of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Italian Republic, the Permanent Representative of Italy to the International Organisations in Geneva, Ambassador Gian Lorenzo Cornado, quoted the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, outlining that “multilateralism which is rooted in the Constitution expresses Italy’s true vocation: to contribute to the creation of a peaceful world, where the rights of the individuals and peoples are fully implemented, in accordance with the rules established by the international community”.

In this regards, Cornado recalled the multilateral leadership Italy is exercising on these principles both in the framework of the presidency of the G20 and in partnership with the United Kingdom in the framework of the CoP26. “The Rome Declaration – signed at the Global Health Summit organized last May 21st by Italy and the European Commission – reconfirms our commitment to global solidarity, equity, and multilateral co-operation”, stated the Italian Ambassador.

Italy has further expressed its concern for the impact of COVID-19 on persons belonging to the most vulnerable groups especially women and girls, children, older persons, persons with disabilities, LGBTI persons and stressed the need to continue pursuing a human rights based and gender-transformative approach not only while addressing the current health crisis but also in the recovery phase and in the policies aimed at preventing future emergencies.

Considering also the special attention the Council will devote to women and girls rights during this Session, “we renew our deepest commitment to strongly advocate for gender equality and women empowerment and call for an enhanced effort to address all forms of gender-based discrimination and violence”, declared the Permanent Representative of Italy, reiterating Italy’s full support to the Call to Action for Human Rights launched by the Secretary General last year, including its focus on public participation and civil space, and to the crucial work carried out by the High Commissioner and her Office.

Click here for the full statement. (@OnuItalia)

Il giornale Italiano delle Nazioni Unite. Ha due redazioni, una a New York, l’altra a Roma.

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