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New York
lunedì, Settembre 16, 2024

COVID-19: Zappia, Alliance for Vaccine is example of effective multilateralism

NEW YORK, JUNE 18 – The international Alliance for a COVID-19 vaccine is an example of multistakeholder effective multilateralism. Health, climate, environment, human rights, the fight against inequalities, digitalization, and gender parity are key factors to achieve a better recover from the virus, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda, the Italian Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York, Mariangela Zappia, said in her address to a panel organized by the De Gasperi Foundation and AVSI.

“Countries who work with others have better results in the fight against COVID-19”, said Zappia. The Italian Ambassador conceded that multilateralism, of which the United Nations is the greatest expression, is an imperfect system, a system that needs reforms: in the first place it needs to overcome its anachronisms: “The paralysis of the Security Council in the face of the pandemic highlights the need to reform its structure”, she said, “always keeping in mind that organizations like the UN make a difference on the ground every day for millions of people”, added the Italian Ambassador.

The Alliance for Covid-19 vaccine is an example of the way forward through flexible cross-regional alliances around shared objectives and with the involvement of all actors. “Multilateralism today cannot be done only by states, but with the participation of the private sector, civil society, the scientific and academic world,” Zappia explained.

At the same time, “we need governments that assume responsibility for re-establishing the social contract around the rights of the person. Health, climate, the environment, the fight against inequalities and all forms of discrimination, digitalization, human rights and gender equality are the aspects that really count in the lives of citizens should be at the heart of the national recovery plans”. The program of the Italian G20 Presidency reflects the same priorities: “People, Planet, Prosperity, Partnership”, said the Italian Representative to the UN: “All values grounded in our Constitution and in the European project”. (@OnuItalia)


Alessandra Baldini
Alessandra Baldinihttps://onuitalia.com
Alessandra Baldini e’ stata la prima donna giornalista parlamentare per l’Ansa, poi corrispondente a Washington e responsabile degli uffici Ansa di New York e Londra. Dirige OnuItalia.

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