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sabato, Febbraio 1, 2025

The Art of Saving Art: an exhibit on Carabinieri’s specialized unit will open next week at UN Headquarters

(Arturo Zampaglione) NEW YORK, JANUARY 3 – In the framework of the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the United Nations and on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Carabinieri Command for the Protection of Cultural Heritage, the Italian Mission to the United Nations presents the exhibition “Recovered Treasures. The Art of Saving Art”, on display at the New York Headquarters from 6 to 17 January 2020.

The exhibition, organized by the Carabinieri Command for the Protection of Cultural Heritage, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, comprises fifteen masterpieces recovered by the Carabinieri, including a relief from Palmira, Renaissance paintings, ancient amphorae and an illuminated book. During the two-week display at the UN headquarters, officers of the Carabinieri Command will offer guided tours, especially targeted to young students.

“The Art of Saving Art”, aimed at celebrating the innovative role played by the Carabinieri Command in combating art crimes and protecting culture in crises, was officially inaugurated by the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella in May 2019 at Palazzo del Quirinale, in Rome. In October 2019, it has been on display at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris and it will travel to Beijing later this year.

The exhibition highlights the importance of preserving heritage as an expression of people’s identity and a fundamental tool to promote dialogue among different cultures, consistently with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It also offers the opportunity to share the unique expertise and best practices of the Carabinieri in this field.

Founded in 1969, the Carabinieri Command for the Protection of Cultural Heritage is the first ever police body specialized in the prevention and fight against looting and trafficking of art and in the protection of cultural heritage. Besides setting international standards, the Carabinieri Command has been the first to engage in the protection of cultural heritage in conflict situations by establishing an ad-hoc task force in 2017 within the framework of the UNESCO Unite4Heritage initiative.

The protection of cultural heritage is a priority for Italy and a pillar of its foreign policy and action at the national and the international level. The protection and promotion of culture is also an inherent part of Italy’s commitment as main supporter and troop contributor of UN peacekeeping. In this spirit, Italy, together with France, promoted the groundbreaking UNSC Resolution 2347 in 2017 and launched an ad hoc Group of Friends on the Protection of Cultural Heritage, in partnership with Cyprus. (@OnuItalia)

Arturo Zampaglione
Arturo Zampaglionehttps://onuitalia.com
Arturo Zampaglione è stato per quasi venti anni corrispondente da New York del quotidiano La Repubblica, per il quale continua a collaborare. Ha studiato a Roma e a Boston, dove ha preso un Master in affari internazionale alla Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. Nel 2003-2004 ha insegnato giornalismo internazionale alla New York University. Ha curato la pubblicazione del libro-intervista “La mutazione antiegualitaria” (Editori Laterza).

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