8.9 C
New York
martedì, Febbraio 18, 2025

Del Re at Ocse: “Development cooperation is at top of Italy’s priority list”

PARIS, OCTOBER 15 – “Development cooperation remains at the top of Italy’s priority list. It is a commitment based on a broad political agreement”, the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Emanuela Del Re said in Paris addressing the Peer Review of Italian Cooperation activities by the OECD DAC (Development Assistance Committee). The Peer Review provides an overall appraisal of the Italian development cooperation system five years after the last Review in 2014.

In 2014 – the Deputy Minister recalled – Italy adopted a new law reforming its system of development cooperation. “I am pleased to note that the DAC report recognizes the efforts and progress made in implementing the reform”, stressed Del Re.
In relation to the recommendations made in the report on migration policies, the Deputy Minister underlined that Italy is focusing on the root causes of the migration phenomenon, particularly in Africa, by taking action in tackling the employment challenges faced by young people and creating economic opportunities and human capital. In this connection, she mentioned the Africa Fund, set up within the Foreign Ministry’s Directorate General for Italians Abroad and migration policies.
With reference to the financial resources for development cooperation, Del Re highlighted the Government’s efforts to increase such resources, also in view of the upcoming financial law.
Among the priorities of Italy’s Cooperation system, the Deputy Minister highlighted health, an essential condition for sustainable development. “For example, on my personal initiative, Italy is working to increase international awareness of childhood diarrhea”, she said, recalling her recent proposal to establish an international day dedicated to this disease.
In conclusion, the Deputy Minister underlined how, thanks to the Government’s strong political will, Italian Cooperation has taken a new course, “with the ambition to promote a new narrative on international cooperation in the Country”. “The 2030 Agenda broadens the scope of our responsibilities towards the needs of billions of people in the world” – concluded Del Re – “The policies aimed at achieving these objectives are a strategic investment for Italy and we are happy to work with the our partners and with the OECD in a process of mutual learning, renewing our commitment to development “. (@OnuItalia)
Il giornale Italiano delle Nazioni Unite. Ha due redazioni, una a New York, l’altra a Roma.

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