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venerdì, Marzo 14, 2025

Italy: urgent action, holistic approach, needed to ensure security in cyberspace

NEW YORK, MAY 22 – “Urgent action is needed to ensure the stability of cyberspace”. To that effect, Italy supports “a holistic approach, guided by international law, humanitarian and human rights law, in adherence to the UN  Group of Governmental Experts’ norms and principles of responsible State behavior”, an Italian delegate said today during an Arria Formula Security Council meeting.

“Cyber attacks by State and non-State actors are on the rise. Essential services are increasingly at risk of malicious activities. Urgent action is therefore needed to ensure the stability of cyberspace. Our advice is to look at these challenges in a holistic way, by recognizing that, ultimately, cyber security cannot be addressed separately from old and emerging threats to world stability and peace”, the Italian delegate said.

“Increasing global resilience is crucial for cyber security”, he stressed adding that the UN can play a significant role in this matter, by developing, in agreement with Member States and regional organizations, a systematic monitoring, reporting and verification system: “The UN should also support regional organizations and Member States in setting up short and long-term goals, as well as in defining the purpose and principles of the capacity building initiatives. (@OnuItalia)

Il giornale Italiano delle Nazioni Unite. Ha due redazioni, una a New York, l’altra a Roma.

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