8.9 C
New York
martedì, Settembre 10, 2024

Italy confirmed to UNESCO’s Executive Board with record number of votes

PARIS, NOVEMBER 15 – Italy has been confirmed for the seventh consecutive time in the Executive Board of UNESCO. 155 Countries voted to renew Italy’s four-year mandate, the highest number of endorsements for the Western Group.

UNESCOThe election took place during the 42nd General Conference of the UNESCO unfolding in Paris. The General Conference is the supreme body of UNESCO and brings together every two years the organization’s 194 member states to determine its programs and budget. The election reaffirms the leading role recognized to our country in the promotion and protection of UNESCO’s fundamental values. The Conference will conclude on November 22.

UNESCODeputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Antonio Tajani, expressed his “pride” in the outcome of the vote: “We want to support the organization to promote dialogue, international cooperation, respect for human rights, and diversity,” Tajani wrote on Twitter. (@OnuItalia)

Il giornale Italiano delle Nazioni Unite. Ha due redazioni, una a New York, l’altra a Roma.

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