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New York
giovedì, Ottobre 17, 2024

EXPO 2030: Amb. Massolo promotes Rome candidacy to UN audience

NEW YORK, MAY 13 – Ambassador Giampiero Massolo, Chair of the Expo Roma 2030 Promoting Committee, started his visit to the United Nation in New York with two major events to promote Italy’s candidacy to host the 2030 Universal Exposition. Both events, kick-started by Italy’s Permanent Representative to the UN Ambassador Maurizio Massari, emphasized the synergy between the Italian candidacy’s core theme “People and Territories: Urban Regeneration, Inclusion and Innovation” and the UN Agenda2030.

In Ambassador Massolo’s own words before an audience of selected representatives of the UN Member States: “Inclusive and sustainable growth, innovative tools to improve the relationship between people and territories, digitalization and circularity as crucial tenets – these are areas where shared projects can be developed to achieve the 17 goals of the UN Agenda 2030”.

Italy is at the forefront of several UN tables, from COP27 to ECOSOC, which it joined again last January for a three-years mandate. Its commitment focuses in particular on goals 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities, 13 – Climate Action, 14 – Life below Water and 15 – Life on Land. “By leveraging its experience in these areas, Italy positions itself as the ideal candidate to host a Universal Expo aimed to raise awareness around the world on the importance of planning and managing human settlements and of inclusive and sustainable regeneration of territories”.

“2030 will be a crucial year”, said Ambassador Massari in his remarks. “On the one hand, it sets the timeframe for the UN Agenda 2030 and its 17 goals. On the other hand, it marks the Universal Expo celebrating the 100th anniversary since the foundation of the Bureau International des Expositions. We introduced EXPO Roma 2030 today at the UN, the greatest world’s showcase where all countries, namely the UN Member States, can present their good practices and initiatives with which they have contributed to advancing the UN agenda.” (@OnuItalia)

Il giornale Italiano delle Nazioni Unite. Ha due redazioni, una a New York, l’altra a Roma.

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