8.9 C
New York
venerdì, Febbraio 7, 2025

UNICEF: Italy, “strong ties with key actor from global level to the last mile”

NEW YORK, FEBRUARY 8 – In its first address of the new mandate to the UNICEF Executive Board, Italy reaffirmed its strong ties to the United Nations Agency for Children, “a key actor at the frontline of the responses from the global level to the last mile”. In close cooperation with the rest of the UN Development System, UNICEF is called to deliver effectively in these increasingly complex situations: “Effectiveness is today necessarily linked with strengthened coordination and synergy with all UN and non-UN actors”, an Italian delegate said to the first meeting chaired by the new Executive Director, Catherine Russell.

Covid and vaccine delivery in the context of the Covax Facility, education, social protection and health, said the Italian delegate, are all area that see Italy strongly committed. “Last week, we donated 4 million doses of vaccines to the people of Syria, in addition to the more than 20 Countries, especially in Africa, the Middle-East and Asia. We will continue to work together to accelerate global and equitable access to vaccines, also as part of EU/Team Europe initiative, the first global supporter of international solidarity for vaccines. In this regard, we would welcome the Executive Directors views on which are today the major criticalities in-Countries, in order to deliver on our goal”.

The Italian delegate also drew attention on he special role of UNICEF Office of Research Innocenti, hosted in Florence, and its growing potential. In addition, UNICEF needs to continue to lead in public-private partnerships, including through the key role of National Committees, of which the Italian National Committee is proudly one of the top donors. (@OnuItalia)

Il giornale Italiano delle Nazioni Unite. Ha due redazioni, una a New York, l’altra a Roma.

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