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giovedì, Febbraio 6, 2025

Pre-COP26 opens way to Glasgow, “carbon neutrality should starts today”

MILAN, OCTOBER 2 – At the Pre-Cop26 ministerial meeting today in Milan, the EU proclaimed that “plans for carbon neutrality needs to start today”; China stressed that climate goals without actions, “are fantasy”; the US Special Envoy, John Kerry, pledged that “we will get to a world carbon free economy, the challenge is if we get there in time”. Kerry reminded that “the climate crisis is the challenge of our lives – and we will meet it, together. The goal is not 2 C, but well below…and need to stay within this, heading at 1,5, with actions now”.

“Individually we are one drop, together we are an ocean”, said Tina Stege, the Marshall Islands Climate Envoy. “The global pressure will increase in the coming weeks. Youth demands are precise and cannot be procrastinated anymore. We owe them real answers and strong actions and we should start in Glasgow”, said the Italian Minister for the Ecological Transition, Roberto Cingolani who wrapped up the proceedings holding a press conference together with the President of Cop26, Alok Sharma.

Representatives from the 50 countries in attendance -dozens of ministers and special envoys- worked intensively in several sessions dedicated to crucial issues, from sustainable finance to data transparency, agreeing on the need to increase decarbonization commitments made under the Paris Climate Accords. Following the three-days Youth4Climate Conference attended by 400 “under 30” from all over the world, the Pre-Cop paved the way to the Cop26 summit next month in Glasgow.

“We must avoid getting to a further overheating of the temperature”, said Cingolani: “We all know that not exceeding the increase of 1.5 degrees is essential. I am confident because the international community is aware of the danger”. He added that “there is no future for investment in fossil fuels. The transition implies a temporary coexistence between renewables and fossils, but the path is clear.”

For Cop26 President Alok Sharma, “the discussion was extremely constructive because the urgency to act sooner was felt. The key messages that emerged from the conference  is that Cop26 will be crucial for the next decade, that we need to increase the NDCs (Nationally Determined Contributions) and secure the $100 billion climate fund for developing countries.”

Minister Cingolani suggested that Youth4Climate becomes a regular event to involve young people in decision-making processes.
The Ministry for Ecological Transition has also decided to calculate the greenhouse gas emissions of the Milan events and compensate their impact by planting new trees. (@OnuItalia)


Il giornale Italiano delle Nazioni Unite. Ha due redazioni, una a New York, l’altra a Roma.

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