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G20: the Italian presidency officially begins, world leaders will travel to Rome in October

ROME, DECEMBER 2 – The Italian G20 presidency officially began on December 1, and will be guided by the three pillars of “people, planet, prosperity”. “We are called to find solutions which live up to the substantial global challenges we face. And to build today the world of tomorrow, so to leave a better planet in the hands of our children #G20Italy,” Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte wrote on Twitter posting a video in which the logo of the event -inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s vitruvian man- was revealed.

Numerous ministerial meetings and special events have been scheduled as well as the G20 Leaders’ Summit, which will be held between October 30th and 31st in Rome, “the eternal city, the capital of Italy, where we will cultivate the fruits of our efforts”.

Three pillars: “people, planet, prosperity”

“The three pillars which will guide us into October’s Summit are people, planet and prosperity,” said Conte in the video, the Colosseum standing behind him as he speaks. “We will work for a more just and fair economic recovery, one which fights old and new inequalities,” he added. Conte emphasized themes like women’s empowerment, the green-energy transition, climate change, digitalization, and strengthening the global trade system in the respect of transparency and inclusivity.

The ten ministerial meetings

The ministerial meetings will begin in May and will follow the schedule below:

  1. Culture-Tourism in Rome, May 3rd-4th.
  2. Work-Education in Catania, June 22nd-23rd.
  3. Foreign Affairs-Development in Matera, alongside an ad hoc session on Cooperation and Development in Brindisi, June 28th-30th.
  4. Economy and Finances in Venice, July 9th-10th.
  5. Environment-Climate-Enery in Naples, July 22nd-23rd.
  6. Innovation and Research in Trieste, August 5th-6th.
  7. Health in Rome, September 5th-6th.
  8. Agriculture in Florence, September 19th-20th.
  9. International Commerce in Sorrento, October 5th.
  10. Joint ministerial segment MEF-Health in occasion of the final summit in Rome, to be held on October 30th-31st.

On the 26th of August, an international ministerial conference on women’s empowerment will furthermore be held. The location will be soon decided. The side events will see the involvement of the regions of Lombardy, Liguria, Piedmont, Emilia-Romagna, Umbria, Abruzzo, Calabria, Sicily and Sardinia in a “collateral effort which will have cities, towns, schools, universities and Italian excellences as its protagonists,” adds a press release from Palazzo Chigi. (@OnuItalia)




Il giornale Italiano delle Nazioni Unite. Ha due redazioni, una a New York, l’altra a Roma.

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