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New York
venerdì, Luglio 26, 2024

Global Alliance of Regional Women Mediators Networks launched in NY; Del Re confirms Italian efforts

NEW YORK, SEPTEMBER 27TH- A new “Global Alliance of Regional Women Mediators Networks” was launched during at event in New York. Italy was among the organizers of this event, which further includes the Regional Women Mediators Networks and its supporting Countries and regional organizations.

Aim of the Global Alliance is to support women in gaining increased participation and influence at all levels of peace processes and through all networks that help pursue these diplomatic goals. Speaking earlier this week at the General Assembly, Secretary General António Guterres remarked that “Gender inequality is a problem of power, for most power still lies with men”. The Global Alliance seeks to tackle gender inequality through just this: the redistribution of power.

Guterres’ deputy, Amina Mohammed, opened the meeting. Emanuela Del Re, Italian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, emphasized that “Italy continues to be strongly committed to empowering women as vital agents of peace. Bolstering the participation of women mediators was a priority in our mandate at the Security Council and of our Presidency of the G7”. She furthermore took the opportunity to draw attention to “the precious work that women and youth carry out on the ground, despite challenges and pressures.”

Del Re then proceeded to speak about the future: “We will continue to support the Network and to promote a significant participation of women in all forums, both at national and international level.” Such efforts have already been embraced by Conte who, during his speech at the General Assembly, reaffirmed his goal of achieving gender parity within his government.

The Deputy Minister concluded by announcing two events to be hosted at the Farnesina in the beginning of December, two “the tangible examples of our commitment”. One will be an international workshop organized in partnership with UN Women on the role and responsibility of States in boosting the participation of women in peace processes; the other will be the third edition of the MED Dialogues Women’s Forum. (SB@OnuItalia)

Il giornale Italiano delle Nazioni Unite. Ha due redazioni, una a New York, l’altra a Roma.

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