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New York
sabato, Marzo 15, 2025

Financing for Develoment: Final Document Forum adopted at UN Headquarters

NEW YORK, APRIL 18 – Italy is very satisfied with the results achieved at the Forum on Financing for Development which ended today at UN Headquarters. A “substantive and action-oriented” Final Document was adopted by consensus on Thursday by the Forum, thanks to the skillful and laborious mediation by the two co-facilitators, Italy and Zambia, stressing the common goal to intensify global efforts to implement the Addis Ababa Action Agenda for the financing of the Sustainable Development Goals.

“The inclusive approach we have pursued as co-facilitators – extending participation in consultations to all stakeholders, including the private sector and civil society – has repaid”, said the Italian Ambassador to the UN, Mariangela Zappia. “The Document – she added – is broad and ambitious in its goals. It lays the foundations for an articulated reflection on how to accelerate global efforts for sustainable development and the fight against climate change”. Addressing the Forum on its last day, Zappia commended all delegations’ positive attitude in negotiations, attesting to the UN member States  steady commitment  to implementing the Addis Ababa agenda as integral part and key instrument of the 2030 Agenda. “It’s crucial for Italy to engage all stakeholders in the process”, she said.

This reflection will be developed in the next months and will culminate in September with the General Assembly High Level Dialogue on Development and the Climate Summit organized by the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres. “Agenda 2030 and climate change are priorities for Italy as reaffirmed by Economy and Finance Minister Giovanni Tria at the opening of the Forum”, noted ambassador Zappia: “The commitment at national level corresponds to a high-profile action in every multilateral area in which these issues are dealt with, starting with the United Nations, where this role of Italy is recognized and highly appreciated, as shown by the negotiation just ended and the scope of the Document that we adopt today”.

The final Document incorporates all the suggestions proposed by Italy and of greater interest for the Country, such as involvement of the private sector, climate dimension, technological innovation: “These are all factors – concluded Zappia – which we consider essential to effectively mobilize financial resources for the achievement of sustainable development objectives, giving priority to the fight against poverty and the reduction of inequalities.”

Besides Tria, Italian utility giant Enel Green Power attended the Forum in New York, showcasing a test case in the use of renewable energy in Zambia. (@OnuItalia)

Il giornale Italiano delle Nazioni Unite. Ha due redazioni, una a New York, l’altra a Roma.

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