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New York
martedì, Ottobre 22, 2024

Jerusalem: EU at UN compact in disagreement with “unhelpful” Trump’s announcement

NEW YORK, DECEMBER 8 – The European members of the UN Security Council plus Germany “disagree with the US decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and to begin preparation to move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. It is not in line with Security Council resolutions and is unhelpful in terms of prospects for peace in the region”, the Permanent Representative of France, Italy, Sweden and the UK, along with their German colleague, said at the end of a Council open briefing on the status of the Holy City.

“The status of Jerusalem must be determined through negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians leading to a final status agreement. It is a constant position of EU Members that, within this framework, Jerusalem should ultimately be the capital of both Israeli and Palestinian states. Until then, we recognize no sovereignty over Jerusalem”, the Ambassadors said in a strong-worded statement read at the stake-out of the Council.

“In line with international law and relevant Security Council Resolutions, notably resolutions 476, 478 and 2334, we consider East Jerusalem as part of the Occupied Palestinian Territories.  An agreement on the borders of the two states should be based on the 4 June 1967 lines with equivalent land swaps as may be agreed between the parties. The EU will not recognize any changes to the pre-1967 borders, including with regard to Jerusalem, other than those agreed by the parties”, the statement said: “Given the volatile situation on the ground, we call on all parties and all regional stake holders to work together to maintain calm”.

Sharing a willingness to put an end to the conflict, the Permanent Representatives declared themselves ready to contribute to all credible efforts to restart the peace process, on the basis of internationally agreed parameters, leading to a two-State solution. They also encouraged the US Administration to now bring forward detailed proposals for an Israel-Palestinian settlement.  (@OnuItalia)

Alessandra Baldini
Alessandra Baldinihttps://onuitalia.com
Alessandra Baldini e’ stata la prima donna giornalista parlamentare per l’Ansa, poi corrispondente a Washington e responsabile degli uffici Ansa di New York e Londra. Dirige OnuItalia.

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