8.9 C
New York
venerdì, Dicembre 13, 2024

Italy contributed with over one million dollars to Un Department of Political Affairs

NEW YORK, NOVEMBER 23 – In 2022 Italy contributed over one million dollars to the UN Department of Political Affairs Multi-Year Appeal: “This supports our efforts to prevent conflict, mediate between parties at odds and build sustainable peace around the world”, the DPPA said on Twitter.

The Appeal is DPPA’s primary extra-budgetary instrument to fund its work to strengthen peace and security worldwide. It allows the Department to be more field-oriented and operational. The MYA is flexible (70 per cent unearmarked), fast (can be deployed within 72 hours) and global (funds political work worldwide). In the peace and security pillar, the MYA has demonstrated its comparative advantage by nimbly complementing other funding instruments such as the Peacebuilding Fund and the UNDP-DPPA Joint Programme on Conflict Prevention.

The goal of the Appeal for the 2020-2022 period was 120 million dollars. Italy is the third donor by entity so far in 2022 with 1,125 million dollars after Sweden (2,660 millios) and the European Union (1,680). (@OnuItalia)

Arturo Zampaglione
Arturo Zampaglionehttps://onuitalia.com
Arturo Zampaglione è stato per quasi venti anni corrispondente da New York del quotidiano La Repubblica, per il quale continua a collaborare. Ha studiato a Roma e a Boston, dove ha preso un Master in affari internazionale alla Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. Nel 2003-2004 ha insegnato giornalismo internazionale alla New York University. Ha curato la pubblicazione del libro-intervista “La mutazione antiegualitaria” (Editori Laterza).

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