8.9 C
New York
mercoledì, Marzo 12, 2025

Voices from the Glass Palace: New Sustainability Channel puts the spotlight on ASviS

NEW YORK, OCTOBER 22 – ‘Voices From the Glass Palace’, the podcast of the Permanent Representation of Italy to the United Nations in New York, launched today a new channel to serve as a platform for Italian Ngo championing sustainability. The first guest is ASviS, Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development, a network of over 300 organizations. The occasion is the Sustainable Development Festival, the largest Italian platform to raise the awareness on sustainable development and the 2030 Agenda among civil society and private stakeholders.

Representing the Alliance on the channel is Andrea Bonicatti from the Operational Coordination Area.

The Sustainable Development Festival was born in 2017, one year after the creation of ASviS, and takes place over 17 days, as many as the SDGs of the Agenda. Registration to run initiatives during the festival is open to private companies and members of the civil society, and the proposals are evaluated by an internal commission which ensures coherence with the SDGs. Many entities and stakeholders based abroad propose initiatives (53 this year alone) as well in close contact with Italian Embassies, Consulates and Cultural Institutes.

Judging by the numbers alone, this year’s festival was the most successful since the beginning of the pandemic. 1,000 initiatives, 20 million people reached on social media, 1.4 million reviews, live TV and radio broadcast which secured 22 million more interactions, and an hashtag (#stiamoagendo) which reached more than 84 million people. Opening, central and closing events were high-profile. The closing event, in particular, was focused on the younger generation, the future and true protagonist of sustainable development in Italy and the planet.

“In my opinion our biggest achievement was the level of mobilisation and involvement of all layers of society. Sustainability is a very vast concept, and it is therefore easy to forget that there is not only an environmental component, but there has to be an economic and social component of sustainability as well. Our main goal was to inform and involve citizens and I think we have been able to achieve a very good result”. Not only, but ASviS has, since its foundation, advocated for the inclusion of sustainability in the Constitution through a constitutional reform. This goal was achieved last February thanks to the an amendment which included the protection of the environment for future generations supported by the entire political spectrum, showing that sustainable development is not a divisive issue but rather something that all people share.

The podcast is available on all the main streaming platforms. (@giorgiodelgallo)

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