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venerdì, Luglio 26, 2024

ICC: Italy, “in light of Ukraine crisis, we must ensure the Court’s effectiveness”

NEW YORK, JUNE 2- Addressing a Security Council open debate on accountability and justice, Italy remarked that “in a few weeks we will celebrate the 20 years since the entry into force of Rome Statute”. Following Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, “Italy joined 42 States in referring to the International Criminal Court Prosecutor”, recalled an Italian diplomat: “We must make sure that those responsible for atrocities are held to account and eventually brought to justice, whether before competent national courts or the ICC. Italy supports all investigative activities carried out on the ground. Together with other partners, we are working to ensure that the ICC is able to meet its increasing workload in Ukraine and elsewhere”.

Chaired by Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama, the debate was the first convened by the Permanent Mission of Albania, which holds the rotating presidency of the Council as a first time non-permanent member. “The open debate has marked an important milestone in the context of your first presidency. You can continue to count on Italy’s full support”, the Italian Mission to the UN remarked on Twitter.

Accountability and justice are universal values: “They are fundamental pillars of the rules-based international order. When serious violations of international law are committed, perpetrators must be held to account and justice must be done, especially in the interest of victims. That regardless of where the violations occur and by whom they are committed”, said Italy stressing that since its very creation, Italy has been a staunch supporter of the International Criminal Court. “While its ratification is not yet universal, the ICC represents the most advanced institutional and legal model delivering criminal justice in case of war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and the crime of aggression. We must continue to defend its integrity and independence, while ensuring its effectiveness”, said Italian diplomat Maurizio Antonini.

Italy is also supportive of fact-finding mechanisms established by the UN in order to ensure accountability for grave violations of human rights law and international humanitarian law, including sexual and gender-based violence, reported to be committed in Myanmar, Syria and Ukraine. These mechanisms are not a substitute for criminal justice, but they complement and support investigative activities carried out by national and international prosecutors. Accountability and justice are essential ingredients in advancing the mission of the United Nations in maintaining and restoring international peace and security. However, Italy remarked, “all too often in the last ten years the Council has been unable to act due to the threat or actual veto posed by one of its permanent members”. (@OnuItalia)

Il giornale Italiano delle Nazioni Unite. Ha due redazioni, una a New York, l’altra a Roma.

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