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New York
domenica, Settembre 15, 2024

Italy hosts presentation of latest MOPAN report on UN development system

NEW YORK, JUNE 28 – Hosted by the Italian Permanent Mission in New York, MOPAN presented its latest study on the United Nations Development System reform. “Lots of evidence-based inputs on positive achievements and the need for consolidation and further improvement”, the Mission reported on Twitter, recalling that the reform of the UN development system remains key for the successful implementation of 2030 Agenda.

MOPAN is an independent network of 19 members with a common interest in assessing the effectiveness of the major multilateral organisations that they fund. The Permanent Mission of Italy to the United Nations convened United Nations Member States for a presentation the findings of the report, “Is this time different? UNDS Reform: Progress, challenges and opportunities”, which provides a unique, independent perspective on the UNDS reforms’ progress in select transformation areas, the underlying drivers affecting the reform and associated risks and challenges. It also emphasises immediate areas for attention and further enquiry as the reform continues to evolve.

The release of the report coincides with ongoing negotiations around the UN Secretary General’s review of the Resident Coordinator system–one of the transformation areas addressed in the MOPAN study that has showed positive progress for the success of UNDS Reform.

The Paris-based Multilateral Organisation Performance Assessment Network (MOPAN) was launched in 2002 as a network of like-minded donor countries for monitoring the performance of multilateral development organizations at the country level. Its permanent Secretariat, hosted by the OECD’s Development Co-operation Directorate in Paris since 2013, is the focal point in the assessment process and other MOPAN activities. Its main objective is to co-ordinate the MOPAN assessments and support the Network and its members. (@OnuItalia)


Il giornale Italiano delle Nazioni Unite. Ha due redazioni, una a New York, l’altra a Roma.

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