8.9 C
New York
sabato, Febbraio 15, 2025

Coronavirus: MFA, “inaccurate, alarmist news” on situation in Italy

ROME, FEBRUARY 26 – Facing a “worrying proliferation of inaccurate and alarming news, in some cases fake news, about the health situation in our country that does not reflect the reality of a contagion phenomenon that remains significantly limited to certain small and delimited areas within a few regions”, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated today that “the response of the Italian Government to tackle the epidemiological emergency from COVID-19 has been timely, as also acknowledged by the WHO and the EU and it has been mainly based on maximum transparency and clarity towards the national community and international partners”.

Immagine Farnesina“We are also working with our neighbors to develop protocols and shared lines of action on controls on people entering their respective countries”.

Yesterday the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued the first daily report addressed to the entire Italian diplomatic-consular network. Embassies and Consulates can then transmit correct and transparent information all over the world regarding the real impact of the Coronavirus in Italy, with accurate data and well-defined locations currently monitored.

“The work of our country is and will remain inspired by maximum transparency towards the international community”, said the Ministry which is enhancing its efforts to fight the dissemination of misleading and inaccurate messages and information. “Such information may influence the decisions of our partners’ health authorities concerning the travel and work programs of their citizens in areas of our country, only marginally and indirectly affected by the infection, and with a minimal and isolated number of diseases”. (@OnuItalia)

Il giornale Italiano delle Nazioni Unite. Ha due redazioni, una a New York, l’altra a Roma.

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