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mercoledì, Marzo 12, 2025

With ILOSTAT a new statistics’ portal on labour related topics

GENEVA, NOVEMBER 5 – The ILO Department of Statistics has launched a new statistics’ portal that makes it easy to access data about a wide range of labour-related topics, by country or by subject, in English, French and Spanish.

It is a one-stop shop to obtain labour data and learn about labour statistics. ILOSTAT  provides bulk downloads for those who need large datasets and detailed cross-tabulations. It is also an invaluable tool for data producers, who can find data collection guidance and other resources.

What is the unemployment rate in your country? What proportion of children are engaged in economic activity, what is the average earning of employees, what is the proportion of women in management? The answers to these and many more questions can be found on the site. Scroll here for the link to Italy’s data page.

Statistical information can be accessed by country, or by key topics – such as employment, working poor, union membership and child labour – and includes data tables, concepts, methods and publications. The ILOSTAT country profiles are also available on mobile devices via a free app.

The page also links to blogs and insights by ILO statisticians and economists, upcoming events, and publications.

“This new statistics portal should prove to be a very useful tool,” said Rafael Diez de Medina, Director of the ILO Department of Statistics. “Labour statistics are critical to design evidence-based policies, and play an essential role in efforts to achieve decent work for all.”

The ILO Department of Statistics, provides comprehensive labour statistics, develops international standards for better measurement of labour issues and improved international comparability, and helps ILO member States improve their labour statistics. The ILO is the custodian agency for 14 of the Sustainable Development Goals’ labour market-related indicators. (@OnuItalia)

Il giornale Italiano delle Nazioni Unite. Ha due redazioni, una a New York, l’altra a Roma.

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