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New York
mercoledì, Settembre 11, 2024

Ambassadors Conference: Zappia, UN is back in Libya thanks to Italy

ROME, AUGUST 1 – “The United Nations were not in Libya. If today UNHCR is there, it is because of the efforts made by Italy. We have pushed the United Nations to return to Libya. Even if it is not yet a sufficient presence, this is under everyone’s eyes”, said Mariangela Zappia, Italy’s permanent representative at the UN, at the event ‘Diplomacy for Italy – Security and growth in Europe and the world’, organized in the framework of the Ambassadors Conference last week in Rome.

“When you work on the field, diplomacy is at all levels. Libya with all its complexities is an exercise in daily diplomacy and in all forums there is a diplomatic effort to align positions. A political solution can only come from this”, said the Un Ambassador.

“We ask for commitment and resources so that our diplomacy can continue to be present all over the world”, underlined the Secretary General of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs an Cooperation, Elisabetta Belloni, stressing that diplomacy is independent from politics: “We are not majority nor opposition and we sideline those who do not respect these rules”. (@OnuItalia)

Il giornale Italiano delle Nazioni Unite. Ha due redazioni, una a New York, l’altra a Roma.

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