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giovedì, Febbraio 6, 2025

UNIDO: Italy in Vienna reiterates political and financial support

VIENNA, MAY 27 – Addressing the 37th Session of UNIDO Programme and Budget Committee, the Italian Permanent Representative to the International Organizations in Vienna, Alessandro Cortese, reiterated Italy’s political and financial support to the organization. The 26-28 May meeting was convened to discuss programmatic and financial matters, including UNIDO’s strategy and budget for the coming years

“Our financial and political support to UNIDO remains highly significant: Italy is currently funding a portfolio of 30 initiatives in domains such as women and youth empowerment, investment and job promotion, capacity building and private sector development, as well as agribusiness, renewable energy, energy efficiency and circular economy. To support UNIDO’s work on circular economy, Italy will make available one Junior Professional Officer in the Department of Environment”, said Cortese.

The Ambassador reaffirmed that Italy remains committed to working together with UNIDO and all Member States, with a view to building back a more sustainable and greener future, including through its incoming presidency of the G20 and current co-presidency of the COP26 with the United Kingdom: “We are very pleased that UNIDO is actively contributing to four different G20 engagement groups, namely on development, energy transition and climate sustainability, environment, and digital economy, while supporting also the Youth20 and the Think20”.

He however expressed concern for the impact of the high level of centralization in decision-making on UNIDO’s efficiency, effectiveness and relevance at country and regional levels. “The actual empowerment of UNIDO’s field network will allow to evolve from individual project implementation to a coherent programmatic approach and full application of PCP principles. It will also allow to capitalize on the opportunities presented by the reinvigorated Resident Coordinator System and the United Nations Development System reform, which Italy fully supports. We therefore look forward to continuing discussing this issue in light of the roadmap outlined by the Secretariat and of the management response to the independent evaluation on UNIDO’s field network”. (@OnuItalia)

Il giornale Italiano delle Nazioni Unite. Ha due redazioni, una a New York, l’altra a Roma.

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